Welcome home!!!

8/21/2024 - You're only ever given the chance to divulge your inner thoughts sparsely. I dream of the moments when someone would ask- "What song are you lsitening to?", "What do you think about that new game?", "Are you okay?", and so on. Maybe it's self gratifying, but I like to believe that everyone should be afforded that kindeness. That blind interest. You never really know what peopl have going on, yknow? My problem is that I FORGET a lot of the small details. I like to think I'm pretty opinionated, but I also lament thinking in general. Must be some sort of defense mechanism... Either that or I'm just really stupid. I think I'd like this website to be a place to store all of those thoughts- all of those feelings, ideas, and dreams.

I don't know if you've noticed yet, but this page is going to act more as a primitive html tutorial for myself. I'll just continue down the line as I go (More than likely I'll just get bored of talking about myself at some point, right?

Below I've attached an important image- just for you!

It's me!

The site will contain quite a few ramblings and galleries, including but not limited to:

I won't bother editing this last part. Who knows- one of us might need it!

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!